Layne is a steadfast superintendent whose dedication to craftsmanship ensures an Owner’s vision will become a reality.

Layne Fuson


Layne is a seasoned superintendent who joined The Parent Company in 1985. His strong work ethic allowed him to work his way from carpenter to foreman to superintendent. Layne’s commitment to quality inspires the subcontractors on his team to ‘do it right the first time’ which results in projects that match an Owner’s vision. Layne’s steadfast leadership of a jobsite has earned the trust of Owners such as Currey Ingram Academy, Harpeth Hall School, and Montgomery Bell Academy.



Layne lives in his hometown, Liberty, TN. When he isn’t on a jobsite he enjoys spending time with his wife, children, and grandchildren and working on the family’s farm. He is a Christian and an active member of his church.

Years with The Parent Company

Years in Construction